"Everyone around may say; No! You can't. But if you say, yes I can, then you are right" ---------Emeka AgbedoI believe strongly that the indispensable first step to becoming successful in life is to believe in yourself against all odds. I mean against all internal and external opposing thoughts and suggestions. Believing or having a total confidence in yourself is the biggest secret to getting things done in life. It has also been the fundamental human trait which helped a lot of those who are successful in one area of their life or the other. In short it is responsible for what you have been able to achieve in life so far. It has worked and it is still working for many of us though we are unaware of it.
It is usual that each time we are asked to mention or list the characters or traits that one needs to possess in order to be successful in life, the list always look like this; persistence, determination, being positive, honesty, working hard/studying hard, save for the rainy day, doggedness, and lots more to be mentioned.
Now, there is no doubt that the above mentioned traits are exactly what we need . However, one fact that many of us are yet to know is that those traits, though are straight to the point, they are not going to produce results or be effective if the subject or the person who possess them do not believe in him or herself.
Each and everyone of us have been able to do whatever we have done since all our lives because we believed we can. The truth is that no one be persistent if he does not believe he can be. No one can be determined if he or she does not believe he or she can be. None of us can be positive if we do not believe we can be. And you can't work or study hard if you don't believe you can .
The undeniable truth here is that we were all created with the psychological, physical, emotional, spiritual and other requisite abilities to accomplish most of our dreams in life. No wonder Napoleon Hills once said, "that whatever the mind of a man can conceive and believe, it can achieve".
Now, believing alone cannot make things happen if they cannot happen. For instance, believing that you can raise a person who has been dead for over three months ago from death is an irrational belief and it cannot happen no matter how long you may believe it. It cannot happen because you don't have the ability in you. Are you Jesus?
The basic reason why you "can" is not just because you believe, but because you already have the ability in you. Believing in yourself ie believing in what you already have in you is what you need to tap from that ability which is already in you. The formula is; if you believe in it, then you can have it. Mohamed Ali, an American heavyweight champion and Olympic gold medal holder during his life time as a boxer believed in himself so much and it helped him throughout his career as a boxer. That time he used to refer to himself as "the greatest". He believed in himself because he knew he had the abilities in himself. During that period, each time he was interviewed by the media, he used to tell his opponents and fans "I am Mohamed Ali. I am the greatest". And truly he became one of the greatest boxers in the world.
The importance of believing in yourself aka self confidence is that it stimulates optimism in those who possess it. If you believe in yourself, it arouses in you the sense of a positive outcome. It kindles an emotion that inspires you to work harder. When you already know that you can achieve what you are trying to achieve, you will find it difficult to give up. In other words, people who believe in themselves do not easily give up on their goals or dreams. Believing in yourself will incite a never-say-never attitude in you. The fact is that some times, people who believe in themselves do fail. Yes! They miss their targets once in a while. But the good news here is that they don't use that as an excuse to give up. They do fail but they don't see failure as final. They see failure as a feedback. They see failure as a lesson. So, though such people fail, they will not give up. Rather they will change their techniques. They will look for the right way of doing what they want to do. And if they keep trying, they will at the end of the day get what they want.
Even if you are in a tight situation, and you believe you are going to come out successfully, there are 95% chances that you come out of it successfully. The reason why believing in yourself works miracle is because it gives you the impetus to take action (s) toward that which you believe is possible to happen.
Red alert! What you believe is what you get. So, be careful of what you believe about yourself. You have to make sure that you don't harbor wrong believe in your mind especially about yourself. There are people who have these wrong, negative and limiting beliefs about themselves. When they are unable to accomplish a task, what they normally say is; "I know it isn't going to workout. I know it is going to fail. I know myself. I know I cannot do it" Look! That is a very destructive mentality . I don't know the person who may posses such a mentality, but what I know is that he or she does not know the truth about him or herself. In case you the reader is one of such people, the truth is that you can accomplish most of the goals you set for yourself and even add more if you are willing to give it all it takes. My parting shot; when you believe in yourself, miracles will happen in your life.
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