A popular saying goes thus, "The poor gets poorer and the rich gets richer". Why is this so? The reason is that the poor has poverty mentality while the rich has abundance mentality. The poor man believes he is poor and he engages in acts that get him impoverished and he remains poor. While the rich believes he is rich and is meant to remain rich and as a result he engages in acts that get him enriched and he remains in abundance.
"No condition is permanent" This has been scientifically proven. It can either deteriorates or ameliorates. No condition is permanent but conditions don't change; it is human beings that change. If you change, your conditions will change. When you change your interpretation of events, then your life will be changed.
Things are not always the way you think they are.
Your interpretation of events are based on your preconditioned mind.
Your behaviour is controlled by your beliefs.
Things will not change until you do things differently.
Some times, in life, it is not about what you know but what you do. Some people know much but they don't do anything with what they know. Some know just a little but they do much.
Do that which you are called to do even if you think you are not ready. We learn better by doing.
I can do anything I want to do if I put my mind on it.
You cannot be a failure until you accept that you are one.
You can do anything you want to do if you put your mind on it.
"God can do all things including giving you riches but you will die poor if you don't work".
"A person who is ashamed of doing what he has chosen to do will eventually die unfulfilled".
"Give your heart to your work and your work will take care of your heart".
"I cannot do it! I cannot do it! Have you tried it"?
"I have tried it so I have found out that it doesn't work". That sentence may sound familiar. The fact is not that it doesn't work. The fact is that you gave up trying"
"Saving money can shield you from lack but it cannot always make you rich" The best way to get rich is to make money, save it and then invest it. Then save the returns and invest more.
Be careful when you take decisions. Things do change.
Something hurting may have happened to you, but don't get stuck to the hurting thoughts. Consider it a bye gone and keep living your life. Remember, you've got a lot to do in your life.
You are alife today. Hurray! You still have a chance to be who you want to be.
Someone may have mistakenly or premeditatively done something that hurts you. Why are you still thinking about it? Don't let it wear you down. Go ahead and do your job. The more you think about it the more the person wins.
Don't allow your past failures to scare you from your future success. Success may lead to failure if you mismanage it.
Don't make conclusions about your life base on the negative circumstances you are facing currently.
You are more powerful than you think.
Yes! Once again, I said, you are more powerful than you think.
The legendary Celine Dion in one of her songs said " I never knew I can go through all this and still stand" To her, it was an unbelievable experience. She thought her negative circumstances was going to destroy her, but far from her thought, she some how survived it.
As you pursue your dreams in life, some times, you will encounter coordinated disgrace, coordinated shame, psycho-spiritual cum mental abuse channeled toward getting you to undermine your inborn intelligence. But the good news I have for you is that no amount of disgrace, no amount of shame, no amount of hardship, no amount of loneliness or whatever negative circumstances you have gone through or that you are going through will be enough to stop you. I know what I am talking about. You can go through it all and still stand strong.
Failure can be a source of shame and disgrace. Temporary poverty can be a source of disgrace and shame. Desertion by friends and loved ones can be a source of disgrace and shame. Denial or denouncing by a lover can be a source of disgrace or shame. How do you survive this negative experiences. Don't struggle with it. Accept it the way it is. It has come and it has come. There is nothing you can do about it. If you give in to it. It wins. But if you accept it and look it on the face, it will diffuse away. Don't hide from your source of disgrace else it will strengthen itself against you. Believe what is right. Do what is right and if the disgrace or shame endures, pursue your dreams even in the midst of shame and disgrace.
"Are you God?"
What is your first interpretation of that question? Or what came to your mind first when you read that question?
Are you God that you have concluded that you cannot make it in life? Are you God that you call yourself names that do not befit you?
Are you God that you think that your situation will not change?
Are you God that you think that you are a failure?
Are you God that you have started looking down on yourself just because you are going through some challenges today or because of the challenges you have gone through in the past?
Are you God that you don't want to let go the thoughts of the mistakes you have made in the past?
Are you God that you think your sins cannot be forgiven?
Are you God that you think you cannot mend your ways?
Are you God that you think life is over?
Are you God that you think that your sickness will not go?
Are you God that you think that your hardship will endure forever?
Are you God that you think that your enemies have won the battle over your life?
Are you God that you think that you are not intelligent?
Are you God? No! you are not God. God can do all things through you
If you allow him.
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