Exposing the hidden power in you
It baffles me that a lot of us don’t really know what we are made of. So many of us are bereft of the enormity of the treasure within us. And that’s why many of us are merely existing and not really living. Some one might say, “well, you don’t need to generalize what you think because for me; I know what I am made of” if you are such a person, then I congratulate you and that is if actually you know what you are capable of. I so much believe in human beings. I so much believe in the powerful nature of man. I see man as the best and the most powerful creature on earth. The abilities and greatness ingrained in every human being is an eloquent testament to the biblical saying that man is an image of God. Yes! You are. Whether you believe it or not. I don’t know if you know that as a human being you are capable of doing so many things; even the things you have not thought of. I know what I am saying. I am not trying to be arrogant here, but without your consent, I want to tell you that I know you more than you know yourself when it comes to the abilities in you. I want to describe you in one word; I will simply say that you are energy. And I know that from your knowledge of primary science you already know the characteristics of energy? Energy is a powerful force. It cannot be destroyed but is transformed from one form to another. Which in other words means that energy is indestructible.
Dear friend, you are energy. And are indestructible. Do me a favor here. Be bold enough to believe that you are indestructible because that’s who you are. I don’t mind saying this anywhere and at any time. I know some folks who may likely consider what I am saying as a sacrilege. If you are one of those who think so, I want you to spare yourself that heart ache. If acknowledging the power inherent in man is a sin, then let me be a sinner. If discovering the greatness in man and waking people up to its reality is a passport to hell fire, let me live in hell for eternity.
God attests to the abilities in you.
I am not preaching heresy. I am preaching gospel. Yes! This is gospel. Even God who created man in his own image can attest to this. He created man and he knows the enormity of power, intelligence and wisdom he has invested in man. And a very good point to buttress the fact that he Himself believe in the ability in man whom he created in his own image was what happened when men made up their mind to build the tower of Babel in the book of Gen 11:1-9. God observed what the men were doing. And He(God) said “That no one will be able to restrain man from doing whatever he has imagined to do”. I don’t think there is anyone on earth who knows more than God whom we all believe is the creator of heaven and earth. If He himself has said this about the ability in man, I don’t think it is right for any one to considered me egoistic for propagating this gospel of the wealth and abilities in humanity.
Man’s greatness was subtly and deliberately undermined
I am only reiterating what has been known for ages but was suddenly de emphasized in a bid to diminish man in his own eye and subject him to an unending mental slavery. I know the power inherent in man including you and I will not stop but continue to spread the message in order to inform the uninformed. If it entails standing alone; let it be so. I will stand alone but I will not allow the truth about who we are be slipped under the carpet for fear of what some people will say.
In the course of living life here on earth, I have had intercourse with human being from different spheres of life. Be it religious, academics, racial, professional, and ideological and so on and so forth. And my experience with these folks corroborated or corroborates what I have discovered about man on my own self-focused and intense research about who we are. I have had experiences that re-enforced my belief in man’s abilities. It was an experience I never knew I would go through and will still have my mind intact and be able to seat down and type this article. I was totally messed up physically, emotionally, psychologically and physiologically. I was in a lockdown mode. I still marvel within myself at the unfathomable power within me that was able to pull me through the whole horrible experience. I am able to tell the story today, not for any other reason but for the availability of inestimable cornucopia of wealth and abilities that each and every one us is imbued with.
You are already made with the ability to survive or reach your goals
It is usual to hear people who survived life threatening situation to say something like, “I did not know I can survive this situation” “ I never knew I will be able to make it through this hopeless situation”. Or it never occurred to me that I will be able to achieve this. May be at one point or the other in your life, you may have made such a statement yourself. Yes! it is possible that at one point or the other in your life after pulling through a deadly life circumstances or pulling off a jaw-breaking achievement you looked back and wonder how you were able to wade through the turbulent water.
The truth is that you were able to make it through the tough times because you have inside of you what it takes to make it through.
Each time we use expression such as “I don’t know I that can……, “I never know I will be able……, it never occurred to me……………, What it means is that fundamentally, we have these wealth of abilities in us to endure and survive any negative circumstances in our lives or reach most of our dreams in life in spite of how hopeless and horrible they may seem. It also connotes that each and every one of us has an inbuilt mechanism to survive these negativities we may encounter. Such expressions literally indicate that the ability to pass through difficulties and overcome them is inherent in us but we do not know that we have them in us.
Most of us know that most of our actions and inactions are engineered by decisions we make from our unconscious mind. So, when we make such expressions like; I never knew I can survive this………It also indicates that we were able to survive the harrowing experience from actions masterminded by our subconscious mind. It shows that we were able to go through it while in our autopilot mode. And if we can survive it from efforts made from our subconscious mind, then we can even survive much more or do much more when we take decisions and act from our active or conscious mind. It is clear that when we are in our active or conscious state, we are much more aware of our physical and internal environment which normally gives us much more ability to act consciously and be in control of what happens within and outside our being.
You have the power to determine how you feel.
Get this right; staying in control doesn’t necessarily mean that you will determine what happens to you. It doesn’t mean that what happens to you will always be easy to overcome. It doesn’t mean that what is happening to you will cease. The truth is that if it is not time for it to cease, it will not cease. And believe me! What is going to happen to you is going to happen to you no matter how much in control you are. But you know what? Being in control or working in your conscious mind gives you the ability to determine how you interpret what happens to you. That is one of the beauties of the powers you have in you as a person. You have the power to call the short on how you interpret every events or circumstances that may befall you; whether desirable or undesirable; whether expected or unexpected. You have the ability to choose how you construe it. And you know that your interpretation of it will largely determine how you will feel it. If you interpret it in a way that brings self pity and a defeatist thought, so it will manifest. But if you interpret it in a way that brings self confidence and boldness, so it becomes. Therefore, take the advantage of the your god given ability to always interpret your circumstances in ways that make you feel like the warrior and not the victim. Interpret it in ways that will make you feel like a winner and not a loser even when common sense strongly reminds you that it is the other way round.
You are capable of doing more than you know
The crux of the matter here is that “You are more powerful than you think”. I know you very well when it comes to the abilities you possess. I can confidently say that I can see the wealth you have inside of you which you have not seen by yourself. I can imagine what you are capable of doing but you don’t know it yet. You are not just the fear-ridden, weak, thoughtless and liverless person you were programmed to think you are. You are created with limitless abilities meant to help you leave a life of greatness for your own benefit and the benefit of the world you live in. I believe so much in your ability because I know you have it. So, I want you today to justify my confidence in your ability by setting big goals and creating big dreams that will stir or wake up the giant that lie idly with in you.